Training: Handling Subject Access Requests

Data Protection Academy > Courses > Training: Handling Subject Access Requests

Service Benefits

Individuals can utilise the Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) tool to access their data. Data Subject Access Request(DSARs) can be challenging to manage because they might appear at any time, from customers to former or current staff.

 An individual (Data Subject) has the Right Access to the data that an organisation processes under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is one of the fundamental rights, and failing to respond effectively to a DSAR can result in hefty penalties from the regulator.

At the end of the training, the participant will be able to

  • Individuals should know the right way of handling subject access requests in an organisation and not breach the GDPR law.

Course Outline

  • Defining the GDPR’s ‘Right of Access'
  • The importance of the GDPR’s ‘fair, lawful, and transparent’ premise is discussed.
  • How can you know if a DSAR is valid or not?
  • When attempting to clarify the DSAR, how do you communicate with an individual?
  • How and when should the data subject’s identity be verified?
  • What are the timeframes for reacting to a DSAR, and when might the timeframe be extended?
  • How do you deal with third-party data?
  • What kinds of exemptions are available, and when should they be used?
  • What to think about while redacting sensitive information
  • What should be included in your response to the data subject?
  • How to handle unreasonable and excessive requests

People who should consider this course include

  • Individuals from Information Systems (IS) departments.
  • Received Signal Strength Indicator workers,
  • Legal practitioners,
  • Project managers, 
  • Human resources professionals, 
  • Accounting managers, 
  • Marketing professionals

Assessment methods: The trainer evaluates the participant’s pedagogical progress throughout the training by employing multiple-choice questions (MCQ), scenarios, and practical work

Client testimonials: Suppresses expectation!

Most times, people lose interest in courses, especially online training.  We have come to understand that delivery methods play an essential role in learners’ enthusiasm.

All of these have been studied and implemented to make this training better. Give us a trial and watch us suppress your imagination. 

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