GDPR and Privacy Training for Marketing Teams

Data Protection Academy > Courses > GDPR and Privacy Training for Marketing Teams

Service Benefits of GDPR privacy training

Rules on data protection and good reflexes in its marketing relations. GDPR privacy training ensures compliance and transforms GDPR into a marketing opportunity. The GDPR is an opportunity to establish a privileged relationship with your customers based on transparency and trust.

People who are to consider this course

  • Marketing managers or directors
  • Customer relationship managers or directors
  • Digital marketing managers or directors
  • Chief Digital Officer
  • Communication managers or directors.
  • Chief Data Officer

Benefits With Our Service

At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:

Understand the issues, constraints, and new opportunities of the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)/NDPR on your marketing, data, and customer relationship practices.

Build an adapted, differentiating, and value-added strategy for your customers.

What you can expect

  • Understand the key concepts and know the actors of data protection
  • Know the main principles of the GDPR to acquire the right reflexes
  • Comply with GDPR
  • Building a transparent relationship: informing your customers
  • Strengthen your commercial prospecting by obtaining valid consent
  • Optimizing your online advertising strategy in the age of GDPR
  • Profiling, cookies, CRM: use customer data per the GDPR
  • Prepare for future Privacy regulation in marketing

Assessment methods: The trainer evaluates the participant’s pedagogical progress throughout the training by employing MCQ’s, scenarios, and practical work

Client testimonials: suppress expectations!

Most times, people lose interest in courses, especially if it is online training. We have come to understand that the methods of delivery play an important role in the enthusiasm of learners.

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